Podcast - Episode 134: Speculation, Hype and Other Nonsense


Some recent comic book events have rekindled the very boring wildfire that is comic book speculation. Remember all those people who got rich off the two dozen copies of that Death of Superman comic that they ripped from the hands of children and sealed in plastic for twenty years? You know them; they live in that mansion on the hill. With the yacht.

I'm just kidding. They died, and their siblings had to lug box after dusty box to their local comic shop, where the long-suffering shop owner had to explain that the entire collection was worth, maybe, $200 (or $300 in store credit). And the siblings were like "Fine. Whatever. I just never want to see these damn things again."

Anyway, people are once again thinking that buying mass quantities of comics that, y'know, EVERYONE is buying is going to be an excellent investment. I mean, we're not learning anything else from history, so, sure. Why not?

This Week in Winter Soldier returns this week, because Steve TALKS WORDS TO BUCKY in the newest Infinity War TV spot. LOOK AT THEM!!!!


Oh my god. That WIG! Bucky out here looking like Pearl Jam Unplugged.

They could just cut his hair! He could look like THIS:


Imagine if Steve rolled back into Wakanda and Bucky casually strolled up to him with a cozy sweater and a sharp new haircut and just a hint of sun in his complexion. 


Thanks for listening!

Podcast - Episode 132: Never Been Collected


Ohmygod I am so sorry I forgot to write this blog post. I kept realizing I hadn't written it yet all week, but always at a time that I couldn't do anything about it. And then I would forget again.

So here is this week's (last week's?) episode. We talk about some of our favourite comics that have never been collected. Also, Hillary joins us for the final time (well, hopefully not final time, but for now) to talk about the season finale of The X-Files. She also has written a Queer Eye nomination letter for Walter Skinner, and it's pretty great.

Here is a link to the web comic Daisy Owl. As far as I can tell, the creator, Ben Driscoll, designs games now.

The second installment of Daisy Owl stands as one of my favourite single comic strips ever:

daisy owl.gif

And if you like adorable romance, you should definitely check out Miss Abbott and the Doctor.

Sorry again for the delay. 

Podcast - Episode 131: Dream Casting the New Gods Movie

fourth world.jpg

There's gonna be a New Gods movie (probably)!

Dave has drafted an extensive list of actors he would like to see play his beloved Fourth World characters. I think it's pretty solid.

If you want a quick intro to the New Gods, we recommend watching this three-minute clip from the Superman animated series:

If you want to watch a very awkward, but also very sexy, interview with Sebastian Stan from the set of Infinity War, you can check this out:

My boy can fill out a t-shirt.

And speaking of which, this is the photo I showed Hillary of artist Jorge Jimenez. She did not believe he is a comic book artist, and I can't blame her:


I mean...how? What?!

Anyway, I would totally be down to finish his roughs or whatever.

See you next week!

Podcast - Episode 130: Superhero Makeovers


You know when a creator completely changes an existing character and then that character stays that way forever (for better or for worse)? We're talking about that this week.

No new episode next week. I'm gonna be in sunny Toronto! We'll be back March 21!

Podcast - Episode 129: Black Panther


Guys! Black Panther was SO. GOOD.

We have lots of thoughts. And Dave sits down with Leslie Amegavie, a die-hard Black Panther fan who emigrated to Nova Scotia from Ghana, who has even more thoughts! Leslie saw the movie four times during opening weekend, so he's pretty pumped about it.

The movie was seriously so good. I basically never want to hear anyone speak ever again who doesn't have some sort of African accent.

I can't wait to see it again. In particular, I can't wait to see my new king, M'Baku again.



Good job, everyone. You made a great movie.

Oh, and yes. I lost my damn mind at that end credits scene. Of course I did.