The Unfunnies: Lefty Looie Has a Poor Work Ethic

This is possibly one of the least funny comics I have ever read!


It's not even that this is a bad joke, it's that it's not a joke at all. In fact, aside from the weird phosphorescent paint idea, and the fact that Looie didn't notice that he was lit up like Las Vegas until men with guns pointed it out to him, this could be an anecdote, or a scene from a particularly poorly-written prison drama, or a very depressing alternate ending to The Shawshank Redemption. Two dopes try and fail to escape from prison. The End.

- from Batman Comics No. 148

Peoples of the Solar System: Mars, Part the First

Hello again, and welcome to our next stop on our xenanthropologic tour of the Solar System: scenic Mars, home to more varieties of sentient life than any other world in the known universe. We'll be stopping here for quite some time, and rest assured: we will be returning.

As always, click to embiggen or you will miss all of the jokes. PLEASE READ THE JOKES.

EDIT: You might ask where the Greater Martian Skeptic might be found, since there is no handy line pointing out their homeland. Sadly, the Skeptics of Mars have been driven from their homes by members of more credulous and short-tempered species from adjoining regions. Please donate to the Skeptical Relief Fund today.

Halloween: a Surprisingly Civil Bat-Night

No matter how grumpy he is the rest of the live-long year, ol' Batman sure does mellow come Halloween:  

Why? Who knows! May be he enjoys the chance to walk the streets without too many hassles, or appreciates the relative scarcity of Zorro costumes as compared to Batman ones. Maybe he just enjoys mini Snickers bars.


Actually, I just developed a theory that he relishes the compliments that he gets on his costume. As someone who wears his outfit all year round and mostly associates with very rude felons, I'll bet that it's pretty danged refreshing to hear something positive once in a while.

Happy Halloween, folks!

Even though everyone celebrated on the weekend!