Podcast - Epsiode 18: Spooooooky Halloween Pt. 2

You thought you were safe after last week? NO! The fright fest continues this week on the Living Between Wednesdays podcast!

Dave was on our local CTV news in a segment about Back to the Future Day. You can watch him fail to sell a reporter a Marty McFly hat here.

ABC, Dave. Always Be Closing.

The Winter Soldier episode of Avengers Assemble is season 2, episode 4 and it's called Ghost of the Past. This is what my boy looks like on that show:

Not bad. Didn't love the episode, though, or the depiction of that character on this show.

We talk a whole lot about ol' Jeremy Renner this week. You can see the tweets I was talking about here.

I don't know why but I am filled with glee thinking about Renner choosing the perfect font for that post.

I also meant to mention that Click Hole posted this amazing reply to one of Renner's tweets:

That made my day.

You can find a great post on his disinterest in supporting female actresses and his interest in Remy Martin, complete with horrible pictures of him in a turtleneck, on Lainey Gossip here.

Dave describes Nightmare of Elm Street 3 to me on this episode and it's like Dave doesn't even notice how incredibly messed up everything he is saying sounds. He's just talking like "So these kids are in an asylum for suicidal kids, but they aren't suicidal, it's just that Freddy keeps trying to make them kill themselves in their dreams. So they are burning themselves with cigarettes to stay awake..." NO THANK YOU!

Here are some of our past Halloween costumes, starting with one that didn't get mentioned on the episode: Dave as Weird Al:

Here's one of me as Black Canary from 2006:


Nice of me to clean up the apartment before taking that picture. Here's one of me with Matt as Silver Age Green Arrow:

black canary.jpg

Matt sort of understood who he was supposed to be. Man, that wig I had was not great. I think it was supposed to be a Marilyn Monroe wig. Sheesh.

Here's Dave as Hawkeye in 2009:

And here's both of us as Barda and Orion, striking some Kirby poses:

Here is a picture of Dave as Etrigan that I can't stop looking at and is my new favourite thing:

And Dave as Madman with his friend Jay as Hellboy and, yes, both of these costumes are amazing:

Me as Captain Cold. I'm pretty sure I posted this picture here before:

And here is Matt and me as Bill and Ted. The background may have been photoshopped:

And that's all we could find.

So, I don't know, should I go in the haunted house again? Oh God. I don't want to hurt Dave. Maybe I'll be calmer about it this time? I know what to expect? Maybe I should get tipsy first? Maybe we can relax with a round of Monster Mini Golf after?

Happy Halloween, everyone!

Podcast - Episode 17: Spoooooooky Halloween Pt 1

Good evening! [lightning crash] Welcome to this week's episode of DYING Between Wednesdays! It's almost Halloween so Dave and I are talking about spooky stuff for the next two episodes. Dave talks about the 31 horror movies that he is watching this month, and explains his long-standing love of horror and monsters. I explain my long-standing hatred of horror and monsters.

We are not kidding about the giant penis silhouette on the first page of Captain America: White #3. Check it out:

I mean...

And speaking of super sexy things, here are those Chris Evans photos from the Chinese magazine, Modern Weekly. Here's a taste:


Ok, I'm going to try to write more here without scrolling up repeatedly to look at that image.

Um...ok. Ok.

Here is that super adorable drawing J.Bone (aka the Toronto wing of Living Between Wednesdays Inc.) did of Bucky and Natasha having a relaxing salon day:

Natasha takes Bucky in for a pre-Civil War makeover #stucky #marvel #blackwidow #wintersoldier #jbone

A photo posted by J.Bone (@originaljbone) on

Crazy cute, right?

Here's the trailer for the Lego Marvel's Avengers video game:

Looking forward to that playable Bucky!

You can follow along with Dave's 31 Days of Halloween horror movie viewings on his Tumblr. He has part one here and part two here.

And you can check out the Supergirl pieces Dave wrote for Global TV here. I am so excited for that show!

I apologize. This post is jumping around all over the place. I am watching The Flash while I write it. And I keep scrolling up to look at that Chris Evans picture.

Thanks for listening! Next week...more spooky Halloween talk. Maybe we'll even get around to talking about scary comics. And we'll share our favourite past Halloween costumes.

Podcast - Episode 13: Villains

This week we are talking about villains! All kinds of villains!

Dave and I are drinking beer out of bottles during this podcast, and you can REALLY hear it every time we set them down on the desk. I apologize for that. We will go back to drinking beer out of cans next time. But we WILL NOT stop drinking beer during the recording of these podcasts.

There is actually a ton of background noise on this episode, but that's the only one that's our fault.

Here's the episode!

You get the origin story of Dave and my friendship this week and it makes me look super lame (hint: it involves me buying Jeph Loeb comics from Dave). That story Dave tells is probably set twelve or thirteen years ago, when I was 100% cool and not at all awkward. I will say that Dave did not let on at the time that he thought my taste in comics was terrible, and was nothing but helpful and welcoming. And that's why I still read (better) comics today!

I checked, by the way, and I couldn't find my old university cartoon strip anywhere. I even searched my old Livejournal! My LIVEJOURNAL, guys! It was so embarrassing! Maybe next time I'm in Sackville, New Brunswick I'll see if they have old copies of the school paper in the archive or something. Unless one of our listeners has a bunch of copies of the Mount Allison University newspaper from 2001-2002? It's the world's loss, I guess, if it's gone forever.

Dave and I talk a lot about Captain America: White this week. We probably could have talked a lot more about it. Fortunately there will be more issues! Oh man.

So here are those panels we were talking about. First the Nick Fury one that made me almost actually die laughing:

And the the super awkward Bucky-and-Cap on a motorcycle panel:


Weird, Tim Sale. Very weird.

As we mention, Jeph Loeb has kind of a long history of unintentional homoeroticism. It's what keeps me reading!

Dave mentioned that I post kind of a lot of images of Sebastian Stan on these podcast blog posts. Noted!

Here's that rad Sebastian Stan Collider interview where he gives Zack Snyder the business:

And here is a pic of him at NASA being cute:

And here is a video of him at NASA being cute:

Oh, and here is the cute sketch of him that J.Bone did:

A wee Sebastian Stan face. I stink at likenesses but I think this is close. #sebastianstan #drawing #jbone

A photo posted by J.Bone (@originaljbone) on

Aw, look at him. You are great at likenesses, J! Shush.


When we talk about villains, we divide them into categories. There are two categories I didn't get to: Petulant Brats (Loki, for example) and Machines/Monsters Running Amuk (Ultron, Amazo, Fin Fang Foom, etc).

And here's the other thing: I had a whole bunch of awesome information to share about the creation of Red Skull and I forgot to talk about it, so I am going to make sure we talk about it next episode. I don't care what next week's topic is. I'll work it in!

The ridiculous Batman (You're the Sex) song that my legendary band, The Stolen Minks, used to play can be found on YouTube here. No video or anything. You know what, though? I was wrong about Bruce leaving the mask on in the sex scene in Son of the Demon. He leaves the mask on when he fights shirtless, but strips from the waist up (and presumably removes the rest at some point) in the sex scene:


BUT...when Grant Morrison and Andy Kubert brought this story back into canon they left the mask on in the sex scene! It's like they read my fantasy diary!

Thanks, guys!

Why am I posting all of this? Because I can! I would honestly like that tableau from Son of the Demon painted as a mural on my bedroom wall.

Dave and I also mention our past villain-inspired Halloween costumes. Here is Dave as J. Jonah Jameson in 2010 maybe?

And here's me as Captain Cold in 2008:

Man I was sweaty that night.

I just remembered that I dressed as another villain in 2009: Bizarro! Here I am with the rest of the Living Between Wednesdays team: Tiina as Elasti-Girl (not a villain), Johnathan as MODOK (villain), me as Bizarro (villain) and Dave as Hawkeye (former villain):

As you can tell, sex appeal is a huge factor when I am selecting my Halloween costume. My husband was dressed as Jimmy Olsen that night. Things got weird.

Thank you for listening! We're gonna set up a Facebook group maybe? Is that a good idea? Like a clubhouse where we can all complain about bad art and crush on Winter Soldier?

If you feel like clicking on some stars for us on iTunes we would appreciate it. Especially if you click on all five of them!

Podcast - Episode 3: Our Favourite and Least Favourite DC Characters

There were a few little technical problems with our podcast this week so there are a couple of awkward edits. It also runs a little long, but that's only because it's so jam packed with sparkling wit and brilliant insight. We promise not to make a habit of 90 minute episodes.

Too much Marvel talk lately has prompted us to talk about our favourite DC characters. Dave and I each roll out our lists of our top ten favourite DC characters, and our five least favourite. My list is not super surprising, but Dave's is straight bonkers (my opinion). You'll notice something weird happening before we talk about Blue Beetle. Dave had to re-record the intro to it and we lost a bit of the talk. Just know that I love Ted Kord.

We talk about the upcoming Image titles announced at Image Expo. You can check out the full list with descriptions on the Image site here: July 2015 Image Expo Announcements

You can see the Entertainment Weekly Batman vs Superman cover and images here: Exclusive Batman vs Superman Photos

We finally début The Renner Report this week (with a stinger that makes me laugh out loud). You can read the super insane Jeremy Renner Playboy interview here: if you want to read about him "kindly choking" people out. Please read it. Please.

When we were talking about our favourite DC characters we mentioned Halloween 2007 when I dressed as Barda and Dave dressed as Orion. I promised I'd post pictures, so here are some:

Serving Kirby face.

Serving Kirby face.

New Gods gotta eat!

New Gods gotta eat!

If you are interested in reading the list of my top 10 favourite DC characters that I wrote for Mondo Magazine in 2007, you can check it out here. It's pretty close to this list I made for this podcast. My thoughts are much more coherent when written down.

I've thought about it since the last episode and I have decided that Guy Gardner should be played by Jamie Bamber in the upcoming Green Lantern(s?) movie. Let's re-brand Guy as a very hot ginger!

I mean, right?

I mean, right?

Halloween was a while back

And with Halloween comes the traditional posting of the costumes! This year, Comarade Paul and I realized that our respective shapes were juust right to pull off one of our favourite duos in entertainment. Plus, our girlfriends were cool enough to do most of the heavy lifting with regards to, say, sewing and such.

21 and 24! This is why I've been drinking so much beer, I swear!

We went to a pretty good time at the Strange Adventures Halloween party, but the highlight of the night was as we were walking home, when a Fionna from Adventure Time leapt out of the darkness and ran me through. And then, while I stood dumbfounded, Paul's Dr Who-dressed ladyfriend grabbed the light sabre off of my belt and fended off the attacker. Hooray for crossovers!