As Long as We're Off-Topic...

My father and I had lunch a couple of days ago, and I guess that he must have been cleaning out his basement because he gave me a bag of my old clothing. "Keep it secret, keep it safe." he rasped and then sped off into the night early afternoon in his turquoise Jetta. I honestly hadn't really thought about these clothes in a while, since they're from a period in my life that I thought was completely behind me. I mean, I learned a lot, but honestly I barely remember most of it. 

I am pleased to note that some of it still fit me, even though I've put on a bit of weight:


The big revelation for me that came from these clothes is that Baby Johnathan must have been obsessed with overalls. Of ten pairs of pants in the bag, nine were overalls and the tenth was the bottom half of the tracksuit pictured above. Sadly, they don't fit quite as well.

And now that I have satisfied my whimsical compulsion to wear baby clothes on my head: happy Friday, everyone.

Who's Who: Mitchell Lee Reid, aka Commander Mercykill

Name: Mitchell Lee Reid

Height: Some inches (no one actually told me)

Weight: 6lbs, 11oz

First appearance: March 25, 2010 at 4:05am, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Known relatives: Rachelle Goguen (mother), Matt Reid (father)

Base of operations: Bedford, Nova Scotia

Group Affiliation: the family Goguen-Reid

Origin Story:

Mitchell arrived on the scene two weeks before his due date, ready for action. Not content to wait around for a normal birth, which would take, like, a thousand hours, Mitchell decided to straight up punch his way out of the womb. He attempted to come out hand first, which resulted in a c-section operation for mom. This made mom more vulnerable to an attack by Magneto, as she had 16 staples across her abdomen, but they have since been removed.

Despite the impatient nature of Mitchell's birth, he is a pretty mellow and quiet baby. His favourite activities include sleeping and trying to rid himself of his sworn enemy, jaundice.