Archie Sunday: Archie's Gag Bag

Archie's Gag Bag was an Archie Comics classic feature, a page full of one-joke strips that was usually stuck between a couple of longer stories. Never before has the feature's title been as relevant to one of the gags. 

In an amazing coincidence, both Betty and Veronica made exactly the same sound in a similar circumstance.

(And I didn't get hurricaned to death! Just had no power for maybe 30 hours)

Archie Sunday: Matter Over Mind

Get Reggie to tell you what he likes: he will not lie, though other Riverdale teens may deny. When a girl walks by with an itty-bitty waist and a round thing in his face, he gets sprung - to the extent that he completely ignores his date and eats her ice cream by mistake. 

Also, none of the songs that he writes are any good.