Podcast - Episode 108: The Valiant (Valiant) by Jeff Lemire, Matt Kindt and Paolo Rivera

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Dave and I celebrated my 37th birthday by going to see The Inhumans in IMAX. It was...something. We talk a lot about that in this episode, but we also talk about The Valiant, by the all-star creative team of Jeff Lemire, Matt Kindt and Paolo Rivera.

We also talk quite a bit about the final issue of Marvel's Secret Empire, which, in the grand tradition of superhero comic book events, was confusing and kind of a letdown. But we still really enjoyed the event overall.

Here's that panel of Bucky, um, communicating(?) with Steve:


I mean, that is laugh-out-loud funny.

And then!


*sniff!* You did it, guys. You did it!

Here's what I was talking about when I said Scarlet Witch's boobs looked weird on the cover of Uncanny Avengers this week:


Weird, right? I stared at that forever. Longer than I usually stare at tits, anyway. She just looks uncomfortable. Get a bra that fits, Wanda!

Anyway. Next week we're talking about Young Avengers by Alan Heinberg and Jim Cheung. I'm looking forward to some teen angst!

I'm off to check out Ninjak, Eternal Warrior, and Bloodshot comics!

Podcast - Episode 97: Spider-Man (2002)

The release of Spider-Man: Homecoming is nigh so Dave and I have decided to spend the next three episodes revisiting the Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy.

This week we also were dismayed to learn of the passing of Adam West. Here is a link to the Lookwell pilot: 

And here`s a link to the entire Return to the Batcave: The Misadventures of Adam and Burt:

And related to Spider-Man, here is a link to the screen test for a Green Goblin mask that was closer to the comic book design:

And, finally, here is the teaser trailer for the 1985 Spider-Man Cannon Films movie that was never made:


Thanks for listening! See you next week for Spider-Man 2!