Podcast - Episode 110: Spider-Man: Kraven's Last Hunt by J.M. DeMatteis and Mike Zeck

banner - kravens last hunt.jpg

The final week of our Summer Book Club (and the final week of summer! Sob!) and we are talking about the classic Spider-Man story, Kraven's Last Hunt.

A Winter Soldier (and Hawkeye) comic was announced this week! An actual Winter Solider (and Hawkeye) comic!


Ugly pointless movie mask? "Red Ledger"? Hawkeye? It definitely looks like they are appealing to the movie fans, right? Anyway, I'm excited. And I love the little corner box. I know we were making fun of Marvel's announcement about the return of corner boxes months ago, but looking at this cover now, I am pretty delighted.

Let's look at how relentlessly sexy Kraven's Last Hunt is.

Naked pouncing sexy:


Peek-a-boo abs wallet sexy:


Soul-searching mattress-gripping underwear sexy:


Horny after digging your way out of your own grave sexy:


Casually undressing in front of your enemy sexy:


Casually "dressing" in front of your enemy sexy:


Elephant humping sexy:


Intimate chin-tipping sexy:


Hand resting gently on hip while leading to the bedroom sexy:


Unnecessarily hot police evidence photos sexy:


And, just for fun, here's Spidey straight dumping Kraven off of an elephant:


That has to be one of the best panels of all time.

See you next week for some of our favourite single issues! Thanks for listening!

Podcast - Episode 100: Spider-Man: Homecoming

100 episodes!!!

First of all, thank you so much to everyone who has listened to the podcast. We really appreciate it. It's been fun to do and I'm very glad Dave talked me into it a little over two years ago. It gave me a much needed creative outlet.

We saw Spider-Man: Homecoming (of course) and we talk all about it for the last half hour or so of the episode, so if you haven't seen the movie yet, you might want to turn off the episode before that. It's full of spoilers.

The other thing that we do in this episode (besides bring back the Renner Report) is announce the line-up for this year's book club, which will start with the next episode. Here is the full line-up:

  • July 19 - Trinity by Matt Wagner (DC)
  • July 26 - Sexcastle by Kyle Starks (Image)
  • Aug 2 - Black Panther: The Complete Collection vol.1 by Christopher Priest, Mark Texeira, Vince Evans, Joe Jusko, Mike Manley, Mark Bright and Sal Velluto (Marvel)
  • Aug 9 - The Rocketeer: The Complete Adventures by Dave Stevens (IDW)
  • Aug 16 - The Thing: Project Pegasus by Ralph Macchio, Mark Gruenwald, John Bryne, Sal Buscema, and George Perez (Marvel)
  • Aug 23 - Who is Wonder Woman? by Allan Heinberg and Terry Dodson (DC)
  • Aug 30 - Ms Marvel: No Normal by G. Willow Wilson and Adrian Alphona (Marvel)
  • Sept 6 - The Valiant by Jeff Lemire, Matt Kindt, and Paolo Rivera (Valiant)
  • Sept 13 - Young Avengers by Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung (Marvel)
  • Sept 20 - Spider-Man: Kraven's Last Hunt by J.M. DeMatteis and Mike Zeck (Marvel)

I have also made a list of these books on Goodreads, to make it easy to follow along.

So we'll start next week with Matt Wagner's Trinity (by which we mean the complete collected edition, which includes vol 1 and 2).

Finally, if you are interested, my original rating of Steve Rogers as a superhunk is here. Poor bastard.

Again, thanks for listening! See you next week!

Podcast - Episode 99: Spider-Man 3 (2007)

We have reached the end of the Spider-Man road. Spider-Man 3 is a divisive movie, in that there exists a chasm and on one side stands Dave and me, and on the other stands everybody else on earth.

We like this movie, is what I am saying. We like it a lot.

Look, the portrait of Willem Defoe is the best. THE. BEST.

And Bernard the butler rules. Check it out:

That is just some insane line delivery.

We talk a bit about The Quick and the Dead at the end of this episode, and, guess what, that deleted sex scene is STILL kind of hard to find online. It was deleted so the movie wouldn't get an R rating. This is the best I could find, and it has a watermark right in the middle:

But if you want to see Sharon Stone and Russell Crowe go to town on each other when they are both in their prime, CLICK THAT ARROW.

And if you've never seen that movie WATCH THAT MOVIE!

And if you want to see something dumb I did, check out the post where I use RuPaul's Drag Race GIFs to depict the cast members of Marvel's Secret Empire.

It was not a weird thing to do.

Ok, see you guys in a couple of weeks for Spider-Man: Homecoming and the launch of our summer book club!!!

Podcast - Episode 98: Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Spider-Man 2 is widely considered to be the best Spider-Man movie made to date. But here's the thing: it's not!

Sorry, everyone. It's just not that good.

But anyway. Let's not fight. Instead, let's enjoy this photo that I mention on the podcast of George Lucas and Mickey Mouse from when Lucas received his Disney Legend award in 2015:

This will never stop being funny to me.

Look, if you think Spider-Man 2 is a great movie still, you really should watch this clip of the completely pointless and dumb fire rescue scene:

But, like I said, I don't want to fight about how wrong you are. Let's gaze upon the lucious full beard Sebastian Stan has been rocking lately (for BUCKY??!!).

And if we are going to fight, let's at least fight about who the two mystery friends are in Secret Empire #4:


In order of most sense to least sense:

1. Bucky and Sam;
2. Rick and Rhodes;
3. Rick and Sam;
4. Bucky and Rhodes.

Either way, I like the wacky world they exist in.

Thanks for listening! See you next week for Spider-Man 3!

Podcast - Episode 97: Spider-Man (2002)

The release of Spider-Man: Homecoming is nigh so Dave and I have decided to spend the next three episodes revisiting the Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy.

This week we also were dismayed to learn of the passing of Adam West. Here is a link to the Lookwell pilot: 

And here`s a link to the entire Return to the Batcave: The Misadventures of Adam and Burt:

And related to Spider-Man, here is a link to the screen test for a Green Goblin mask that was closer to the comic book design:

And, finally, here is the teaser trailer for the 1985 Spider-Man Cannon Films movie that was never made:


Thanks for listening! See you next week for Spider-Man 2!

Podcast - Episode 95: Never Duplicated

You know those characters that never really look right unless they are drawn by one, or maybe two, particular artists? We're talking about those guys this week.

I'm gonna be straight with you: I have no time to write this blog post today. Any spare time I'm getting will be devoted to reading the one zillion Secret Empire tie-ins that were released today. Plus I'm going to see Wonder Woman tonight so I'm all excited.

Enjoy the episode! Love you guys!