I've got a bunch of litle things I want to talk about, and that means it's time for a round-up post!
What Dave's Been Up To
Because Dave is too humble to mention this himself, I want to bring to everyone's attention that the comic he inked and lettered, Snakor's Pizza, is now up on the Arcana Comics website. It was written by one of Dave's BFFs, Sean Jordan, aka The Wordburglar, aka the Guy Who Won That DC Contest in the 90s Where the Winner Got Their Local Comic Shop and Themselves Featured in an Issue of Superman. The entire first issue is free online, so go enjoy it!

Also from the department of Dave being awesome, check out this poster he did for a local screening of Conan the Barbarian!

The Dawn of a New Age...An Action Age!
Chris Sims of Invincible Super Blog fame also has some excellent free comics available on the Action Age Comics website. The complete first issue of Solomon Stone is posted. I am sure most of you have read it by now, because I am slow, but if not check it out! Need incentive? Here's some:

That dinosaur is reading a book!!!
Seriously, I think what Chris is doing with Action Age is awesome and everyone should read the comics. He's working his ass off to give you free entertainment! Again!
Well, HeroesCon is nearly a mere month away. I went down to Charlotte for this last year and it was a really great time. I'll be heading there again this year and I can't wait. If you wanna meet me, I'll probably be hanging out at the Dollar Bin Podcast's table, eating BBQ pork somewhere, or high fiving Roger Langridge.
If you can only afford to go to one comic con this year, I highly recommend HeroesCon! San Diego may be bigger, but HeroesCon is BBQ-er!
And Speaking of the Dollar Bin...
I totally forgot to mention this last week, but I joined the Dollar Bin for an episode of their awesome podcast recently. We chatted about Wolverine and Canadian comic books and cartoonists. Check it out! Always a pleasure, guys.
Wizard Gets My Attention
I don't mention Wizard Magazine a lot here because I don't read Wizard Magazine (they make it clear that it's a Men's Entertainment Magazine, so I am not allowed to read it anyway). They did get something right recently though when they named Darwyn Cooke's New Frontier the BEST GRAPHIC NOVEL OF ALL TIME! So suck on that, Maus!
Last Week's Comics
I was off the grid visiting my grandparents over the weekend, so I didn't get an Archie Sunday post up. I also didn't get my comic reviews up. I just wanted to mention a couple of things:
Power Girl #1: I think Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray write women as well as or better than pretty much anyone writing comics right now. And Amanda Conner can certainly draw the hell out of them. I am really excited about this book.
Exiles #2: I have been picking this up because Jeff Parker is writing it. It's a bit of a stretch for me to be reading an X-Men spin-off title, but I have been really enjoying it. But I am not so much enjoying the clothing on the women in this comic. Between this and the Greg Land issues of Uncanny X-Men, I am really dying for an X-Men book where women are wearing actual clothing. And I am not talking about the costumes, I'm talking about when they are out of them. Like this dress, for instance:

That's not a real thing. You can't wear that. It's silly. I don't care what parallel universe this is, Kitty Pryde should not be wearing that anywhere.
And it's too bad because the art, by Salvador Espin, is actually quite good on this book, except for the female clothing.
So that about rounds things up. Stay tuned for another Wednesday interview...this week with J.Bone!